2008年9月23日 星期二

Michael's introduction

With a Bachelor of Science in Aeronautical Management Technology from Arizona State University, I am currently working in Mandarin Airlines, subsidiary of China Airlines. A job in Airline industry is a dream I had during my childhood. Nevertheless, I am still seeking a challenging and rewarding opportunity with an internationally focused, growth-oriented organization, like General Electric Commercial Aircraft Service.

After I graduated, I joined the Taiwan Technical Mission in Nicaragua, a non-governmental organization. The experience has strengthened my problem-solving and analytic skills. From the experience in NGO, I learned how to maximize profits with minimum of sources that enhances my capability to adapt in any challenge environment. Additionally, I am certain that my competency in English, Chinese, and Spanish will be great assets for me to work in an international corporation.

In the meantime, I have concluded my personal SWOT analysis as listed below for your review :

Strengths- Capable of adapting in any environment, keen perception, learning motivation, endurance

Opportunities- Oversea experience, competence in languages, being practical, grew up with diversified culture background

Weaknesses- Stubborn, being subjective, don't know how to reject

Threats- Lack of work experience, overworking myself by taking many responsibilities

Ten years of abroad experiences gave me an opportunity to build up keen perception and better understanding in different cultures;I would like to put this knowledge and experience into practice in my future career.